Laziest Jobs


Three months of summer has past fast. Vacation season has finished and people have dived into their usual occupations and works. Surely it is very difficult to start working after spent great time during summer. And probably half of You feel dizzy and lazy in the first days or even weeks after vacations, especially if Your job allows.

This time let’s walk through the possible laziest works, that You might find near You. Probably You will find Your occupation in this list too. Otherwise, You can share with us if You are feeling lazy while working.


Line Stander

There is many people whom are so busy, that have no time to stand in line and waste their precious time for such occupation.  Mostly their better would work hard and earn more money, and hire You to stand for them in a row to get some special good like new book, phone, or other precious good in limited edition. Main Your mission will be to get to the store as soon as possible, to get closer to the doors and wait until Your will get that stuff. The laziest thing here is be very patient and strong not to get asleep leaning somewhere against the wall especially if the row moves extremely slowly.


Host or Hostess

One of the lazy jobs is Hostess. Especially if You work in the restaurant, that has not much visitors. All the day long You have to stand near the main entrance and greet them with a smile on a face and show them their table and give them the menus.



Receptionist is also probably one of the laziest jobs in the world. it’s good, if there’s a lot of clients You have to help, serve or simply answer any question. However, it’s hard to stay awake if You are alone in a hall or room in silence and there is not a living soul around.


Cash Register Operator

Under appropriate conditions this job can be very lazy too. If You work in the huge market, surely there’s no time to rest, and to be lazy for sure. However, if You work at gas station somewhere on a highway and particularly at night shift, then it’s hard to stay awake all night long while for customers.


Travel agent

Another lazy job that we should mention is Travel Agent, especially if he works in Agency that is located further from main traffic, where customers are rare. So all that time while waiting, You have to find yourself an occupation not to fell asleep.


Jewelry vendor

Next lazy job is similar to previous as it is also seller, however this time it is jewelry seller, who have to works in a expensive store where clients comes not often either. So in case not to fell asleep You have to clean the dust from all the jewelry.


Ticket seller

Another lazy vendor profession would be ticket seller in a small art gallery or some kind of museum, where visitors are also very rare, though You have to be all the time in Your place and wait for them and serve when someone will come. Sometimes You might feel week and sleepy, but You can’t afford such pleasure, because someone might jump into gallery ticketless or even steal something.


Museum hall guard

After the ticket seller we can mention the profession, that is disappearing very fast, as nowadays security is maintained by security cams and modern IT technologies. However somewhere in East Europe museums You might find an older lady or a man sitting on a chair in a corner of big hall with precious pictures, exhibits or other expensive things. Surely such job is low paid, however it’s very suitable for lazy people, as all their have to do, is to monitor visitors and do not let them touch, spoil and surely steal exhibits.


Librarian or library assistant

Librarians mostly are ladies and might walk around book shelfs all day long, or sit by the desk and write or mark something in thin library books. But as it might look from aside, librarians can hide somewhere in the deep corner of library and simply get lazy nap.


Baywatch and Pool Guard

Another type of laziest occupations is security officers or guards. More interesting and funny is to be a Baywatch or pool guard, as there is a lot of action near You, many happy beautiful people and kid jumping, swimming and having fun in the pool or sea. Worst part of such work starts on a hot sunny day, when all day long the guard have to be on duty, particularly when guars fee tired and sleepy.


Security Guard

Little bit easier is to be the Security Guard in super market or a special store. Part of the time the guard is standing near the entrance or monitoring location by walking on his own. Another part of time is camera surveillance in a small dark room. That’s real difficult to stay awake all the time staring to the same point, even if there are few or more monitors.


Cat Sitter

One more group of laziest works are home sitters. If You love animals, especially those little fury ones then this job could be great for You. Come to someone’s house and watch their cats while householders are on vacations. All You have to do is to assure cats are fed and their box is cleaned. Additional pleasant thing is to spend some lazy time with those cute furry little ones.


TV Watcher

Not many knows and not many would believe, that it’s possible to earn money simply by watching TV. It is one of the laziest possible jobs, as You have no need to go somewhere to do something to ear money. This occupation lets You wake up, put any clothes You want or even stay in pajama, get any snack and turn the TV on and keep reviewing it all day long.


Video Game Tester

This profession that has not so many years, but is very popular in nowadays and is very suitable for Young eager people. It’s perfect for those, who likes gaming, because this occupation even can be paid even doing it from home. All You need is to play and give feedback for developers about bugs, mistakes, glitches, and overall game opinion.


Online Shopper

It’s another modern occupation, that is suitable for laziest people as they can work from home. Online Shopper similar as Line Stander work for someone else, who have no time for live or online shopping, so they might hire You to buy goods, tickets, or other stuff for them and get payment for such action. Such job also gives You freedom to wear any clothes You want, to eat whenever You want and so on. Perfect job for Sloths.


Sleep Tester

And finally, probably the most pleasant and sloth suitable occupation is Sleep Tester. Yes, it’s real. If hotel owner wants to offer highest level accommodation, then he might hire specialist who will spend a night in a hotels bed and will give feedback next morning about the sleep and quality of mattress, pillows, blanket, weather freshness and other positive and negative things.



As we can see, mostly laziest jobs are those where You are nailed to chair with a narrow opportunity to implement which is mostly suitable for introverts or melancholic people.

If You know more lazy jobs, so feel free to share it with us. Possibly Your current job is also one of the laziest jobs on a planet? Please leave a comment and describe how do You like it.

However, if You still searching for best job, then we wish You to get a job of Your dreams, where You would feel Yourself comfortable, especially when the job will be as hobby for You.

Lazy Fishing


We are very sorry that we were so Lazy and there haven’t been any post since last time. However now we are coming back after a hot summer and bringing You a dozen Photos, that we have caught from real Angler’s life.

Why stand, when You can comfortably lay with a rod


You might feel like a King with such comfortable Fisherman’s Chair


These cans says, that this Angler had a hard fishing night


It’s great to escape from all the City noise and simply have a rest in the Nature with a rod in a Hand


Seems this time Fisherman was too lazy and felt asleep, so The Catfish caught and eat the Angler. R.I.P.


This Man can’t pay his attention on a Float, as hot Sun turned him off


This Guy is too lazy to go to the River, so he tries he’s luck in Asphalt Stream


Too lazy to go to the River or Lake? Try this hole. Seems it’s Fishy


Seems this man knows Fishy places in his native City


Only the laziest People are the Best Engineers. And here like look lazy Fisherman’s invention – four-arm stand


Real Angler should have Amphibious Vehicle to save his precious time instead of coming to the lake and then preparing a boat.


Wanna have all the time for Yourself, then go Ice Fishing


These two Guys had to be so lazy, that haven’t noticed when the Spring has come


Seems this Year kids will not get Their Presents below the Christmas Trees, as Santa has found a better occupation, and he is too lazy to lift up his old fat Ass.


If You like fishing same as the guys above, then send us Your funny pictures so we could share it with other Anglers.

Why Lazy


Laziness is one of many people being status, which is annoying when You have lots of work to do, but have no strength and motivation for it. However sometimes laziness can be very helpful, especially when You are depressed, and have no mood for anything or anyone. Then simply doing nothing can give You that missed rest and new strength or even ideas to move the mountains. That’s why many useful ideas and inventions were generated with help of laziness. And the fact is that most engineers are Sloths who creates new ways how to make the same things easier way.

So let’s look through some reasons why or when people are lazy. And possibly You will find Yourself among these people below.

When You have a 100 calls to do, but after 69 call fatigue and laziness fought You.


Feel tired and lazy at lessons. Wake up and listen! Otherwise better go home to sleep.


You might be very lazy on Saturday morning, but when You have a lot of job to do until Monday, You might choose such lazy type of working.


Oh, that lazy feeling when You wake up and don’t want to leave Your warm bed.


So tired and too lazy even to watch TV.


Sometimes You might wake up and feel that You are too lazy to laze like Beata Grabowska.


It might be hard to play the Piano, when Your hands and even hear are so heavy.


Some People are so lazy, that walk Their pets by driving cars.


Seems this Guy is a Creative Sloth 😀


Sometimes Your house might burn all down if extinguish will be in such lazy firefighter’s hands 🙂


Another lazy Sunday afternoon…


Seems this Beauty tomorrow haves an exam, however she’s so lazy to study.


Selena Gomez is also just a human and sometimes falls into laziness either.


Feeling sick and lazy? Have no strength to study? Have a few hours sleep and feel reborn with new power to study.


Even Super Heroes haves a Bad Days, when They feel very lazy, and simply wishes to lay down on sofa and gape at the ceiling instead of saving the World.


And surely very often our kids also have no strength to do anything, even play games sitting.


It’s more easy to fight the laziness when You know why it comes.

Please share why You become lazy and how often it happens.