We are very sorry that we were so Lazy and there haven’t been any post since last time. However now we are coming back after a hot summer and bringing You a dozen Photos, that we have caught from real Angler’s life.

Why stand, when You can comfortably lay with a rod

You might feel like a King with such comfortable Fisherman’s Chair

These cans says, that this Angler had a hard fishing night

It’s great to escape from all the City noise and simply have a rest in the Nature with a rod in a Hand

Seems this time Fisherman was too lazy and felt asleep, so The Catfish caught and eat the Angler. R.I.P.

This Man can’t pay his attention on a Float, as hot Sun turned him off

This Guy is too lazy to go to the River, so he tries he’s luck in Asphalt Stream

Too lazy to go to the River or Lake? Try this hole. Seems it’s Fishy

Seems this man knows Fishy places in his native City

Only the laziest People are the Best Engineers. And here like look lazy Fisherman’s invention – four-arm stand

Real Angler should have Amphibious Vehicle to save his precious time instead of coming to the lake and then preparing a boat.

Wanna have all the time for Yourself, then go Ice Fishing

These two Guys had to be so lazy, that haven’t noticed when the Spring has come

Seems this Year kids will not get Their Presents below the Christmas Trees, as Santa has found a better occupation, and he is too lazy to lift up his old fat Ass.
If You like fishing same as the guys above, then send us Your funny pictures so we could share it with other Anglers.